Wills and Estates
Your will is a legal document, which states how you want your estate to be managed after your death and with our guidance can become a small task to undertake.
Any person over the age of 18 years (or under 18 years of age if married) and of sound mental capacity can make their Will.
Some issues to be considered before making your will include:
- Who do you wish to appoint as Executor, that is, the person to distribute the parts of your estate?
- Who do you wish to be the guardian of your children less than 18 years of age?
- What are your current assets and liabilities?
- Who will you leave your estate to?

Just as important as a Will is an enduring power of attorney (EPOA). If something were to happen to you and you were no longer capable of making decisions regarding your finances and your health, who would you trust to make these decisions for you? Your partner or children are not automatically afforded that right. An EPOA will give your chosen person the legal authority to make these decisions for you. For more information regarding an EPOA, please talk to one of our experienced Solicitors.
Without a Will or EPOA your personal affairs and estate will be in the hands of the Government appointed Trustee. Wouldn’t it be better to be handled by someone you know and trust? We can help you look after your family in the event that you may not be able to. Come and see one of our experienced Solicitors to discuss your situation and develop an Estate Plan to suit your requirements.
Contact Us
Contact The Firm On The Avenue. Call us today, leave a message, email or find our office address below.
If you are concerned about costs, let us know. We have solutions that we can tailor to your requirements.

Unit 2, “The Avenue” 58-60 Torquay Road PIALBA, PO Box 3252, Pialba Qld 4655
